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My IGARSS 2018 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:Landsat 9
Session Time:Friday, July 27, 08:30 - 10:10
Presentation Time:Friday, July 27, 08:30 - 08:50
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Mission, Sensors and Calibration: Passive Optical, Hyperspectral Sensors and Calibration
Authors: Jason H. Hair; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Dennis Reuter; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Synthia L. Tonn; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Joel McCorkel; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Amy A. Simon; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Melody Djam; Bay Engineering Innovations, Inc. 
 David Alexander; ASRC Federal Space and Defense 
 Kevin Ballou; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Richard Barclay; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Phillip Coulter; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Michael Edick; Florez Engineering, LLC 
 Boryana Efremova; GeoThinkTank, LLC 
 Paul Finneran; Jackson and Tull, Inc. 
 Jose Florez; Florez Engineering, LLC 
 Steven Graham; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Kenneth Harbert; Florez Engineering, LLC 
 Dennis Hewitt; Bay Engineering Innovations, Inc. 
 Michael Hickey; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Samantha Hicks; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 William Hoge; Florez Engineering, LLC 
 Murzy Jhabvala; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Carol Lilly; Alcyon Technical Services, LLC 
 Allen Lunsford; Catholic University of America 
 Laurie Mann; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Candace Masters; General Dynamics C4 Systems, Inc. 
 Matthew Montanaro; Rochester Institute of Technology 
 Theodore Muench; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Veronica Otero; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Fil Parong; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Aaron Pearlman; GeoThinkTank, LLC 
 Jonathan Penn; Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc. 
 Danielle Vigneau; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Brian Wenny; Science Systems and Applications, Inc.