Summer School

Registration Deadline: June 30, 2018

A summer school is being offered the week before the IGARSS symposium to interested attendants.

Reflectance-Based Calibration of Imaging Spectrometer Training Course

The goal of this summer course is to:

  • teach the basic procedures and methods of the reflectance-based calibration method for use with imaging spectrometry
  • describe how those concepts translate into an error budget, both for understanding the repeatability, as well as the absolute uncertainty, and,
  • demonstrate the concepts with a practicum in the field.

The duration of the course is three days, beginning with an introduction to the terminology and techniques of imaging spectroscopy calibration (both laboratory-based and in-flight) and an overview of the Reflectance-Based Method. Discussions on atmospheric and surface measurements will be provided as well as an overview of atmospheric radiative transfer. Each section includes a discussion of the tools used, their related uncertainties, and the impact on the reflectance-based results. The training will include a field-based practical session at a pseudo invariant target close to the University of Valencia as a means to demonstrate the application of the concepts and to foster participant discussion within the course.

This course will be sponsored by the IEEE GRSS as part of the Geoscience Imaging Spectroscopy Technical Committee’s Calibration And Validation Initiative. A requirement of the course is that participants have some previous experience and/or formal background in optical remote sensing. Preference will be given to early career scientists from developing countries and people associated and/or are working in spaceborne imaging spectroscopy spaceborne mission teams with a willingness to continue collaboration with the GSIS TC for further analysis and publications of the results of the experimental work.

Course Information

Date of course:19-21 July 2018
Course venue:ETSE School, University of Valencia, Burjassot Campus. It is located at a few hundred meters from IGARSS venue (Feria Valencia), so attendants might book in the same hotel for both events.
Course presenters:Dr Kurtis Thome (NASA Goddard), Mr Chris MacLellan, Mr Andrew Gray (University of Edinburgh), Dr Martin Bachmann (DLR), Dr Cindy Ong (CSIRO)

Course Location (Click for detail)

Campus de Burjassot-Paterna Map

Please register your interest in attending the course with Dr Cindy Ong ( or Dr Kurt Thome ( Please provide a short biography/CV of yourself, your associations with any optical present or future satellite missions and the reason that you would like to attend this course.