Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper: MO3.R5.2
Session: International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions: Updates and News I
Time: Monday, July 23, 14:30 - 14:50
Presentation:  Oral
Topic:  Invited Sessions: International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions: Updates and News
Authors:  Tsuneo Matsunaga; National Institute for Environmental Studies 
 Akira Iwasaki; University of the Tokyo 
 Satoshi Tsuchida; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
 Koki Iwao; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
 Jun Tanii; Japan Space Systems 
 Osamu Kashimura; Japan Space Systems 
 Ryosuke Nakamura; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
 Hirokazu Yamamoto; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
 Soushi Kato; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
 Kenta Obata; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
 Koichiro Mouri; Japan Space Systems 
 Tetsushi Tachikawa; Japan Space Systems